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Dreaming of Thunder Road

Dreaming of Thunder Road
March 16 | Shows at 4p & 7p

The screen door slams, Mary's dress sways, Like a vision, she dances across the porch as the radio plays Roy Orbison singing for the lonely.
Thunder Road, Bruce Springsteen (1974) 

30 years later Bruce Springsteen’s rock n’ roll anthem “Thunder Road” awakens the dream of taking the road to places unknown. Does Mary accept the invitation to ride in the passenger seat out on Thunder Road or does she stay on the porch listening to the ecstatic heartbreak of Roy Orbison’s music? Vocalist, actress, and MC Rachel Murdy sets the stage, alongside her musical partners Matthew Milligan on guitar, Peter Szep on piano, and fellow performers Berit Johnson, Sarah Jordan Hupper, Joey Slater, and Kim Ima. “Dreaming of Thunder Road: songs of Bruce Springsteen and Roy Orbison” features both platinum popular and quiet deep cuts from Springsteen and Orbison’s work. It presents the songs as you’ve never seen or heard them before. Come to SMUSH gallery for an expressionistic cabaret of playful radio-dreams inspired by Bruce Springsteen’s Mary from “Thunder Road.”